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Gear Of The Year: TravelChair Sleeprite Cot

2014 Gear Of The Year: TravelChair Sleeprite Cot

gear of the year
2014 Gear Of The Year

You crawl in your tent smelling of campfire, get cozy in your sleeping bag, and drift blissfully off to sleep. 2 a.m. rolls around and you’re awaken to one of 3 scenarios: a rock in your back, the air mattress half deflated or the cross bar of your cot digging directly in to your spine. This debacle makes some people give up camping all together, and to be honest we don’t blame them. Spending a full weekend tossing, and turning trying to find an ideal sleeping position is not usually considered a fun time.

Vowing to not allow another sleepless weekend you run out to the store, and purchase a luxurious high-end cot. It gives you a sense of accomplishment until you come to the realization by the time you figure out how to set it up – it’ll be time to pack your bags and head home. TravelChair has set out to end the war on uncomfortable cots with their Sleeprite Cot.

At 6 pounds the TravelChair Sleeprite Cot is small enough to fit in your backpack, but has at least 20 fewer parts than that high-end cot from earlier. So not only is it easy to set up but it’s actually comfortable with ergonomically positioned crossbars to support your body parts in all the right places. Unlike other cots, set up is a snap. Literally. Working just like your tent poles, the shock-corded support legs of the cot, fold out creating the 6-leg support structure for the cot. That’s pretty cool. But it gets better. The Sleeprite Cot folds down, and packs away in a mesh bag about the size of a newborn baby. This Gear of the Year worthy cot will have you sleeping like a king for a minimal price tag.

Price: $197.99

travelchair sleeprite cot
TravelChair Sleeprite Cot

travelchair sleeprite cot
TravelChair Sleeprite Cot

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